Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Sleep hair don't care

Poppy Jazz Elm Tshirt MBJM Lightning Leggings PJ Set Racoon
New PJs you say, mummy? 
Poppy Jazz Elm Tshirt MBJM Lightning Leggings PJ Set Racoon
With a face like this, who wouldn't want to sew more for little Freya? 

This Minerva Maker project has come just in time for a growth spurt, and I'm so grateful for the super funky fabric! The pattern combo is the Elm T-shirt by Poppy & Jazz, and the (FREE) Lightning Leggings by Made by Jack's Mum. Find out more on the Minerva blog! 

Sunday, 8 November 2020

Time for another Grand'ourse

Hello, my name is Alice, and I'm addicted to sewing the Grand'ourse jacket by Ikatee. Even though Freya is only 2 years and 2 months old, this is the 5th time I've made this pattern. How is this even possible?! I promise that I don't have too much time on my hands. Previous blogged versions are here, here and here, and I also made a cosy version for one of Freya's friends. 

The problem is, when I get my hands on a lovely fabric, this amazing pattern pops straight to mind. I guess that's what an addiction feels like! 

And this is exactly what happened when I managed to grab this cute Native Arrows brushed back sweatshirt fabric from a recent sale from Guthrie and Ghani.
ikatee grand'ourse bunny ears native arrows jacket
I told myself, Freya is just about growing out of her other Grand'ourse jackets. Could I really cope with her not having one of those?