Friday, 28 March 2014

Feature in Love Crafting magazine

Happy Friday everyone!

I rarely ask for this, but could you indulge me a little just this once? My wedding dress and I (okay, and the hubby -- yes, Barry, I hear you) have been featured in Love Crafting, issue 3 of 2014! Here’s the little article:

I'm going to be famous!!! 

Joking aside, though, my chat with the journalist really brought back fond memories of the whole process. Whilst it's only been 20 months since the wedding, making the dress feels like a long time ago. 

This issue of the magazine is a sewing special, and if you are in the mood for making something for the home (not necessarily dressmaking), this is the one for you. Here's the cover in case you are interested:
I'm going to keep my copy FOREVER! 

Have a lovely weekend, everyone! I will be back on Sunday to reveal my Mad Men blouse ;) 


  1. Oh you look so gorgeous! Congrats on the feature.

  2. Oooh, what a fab feature! Very well deserved, congratulations!!!

  3. Oh wow that is fantastic! Congratulations!

  4. That's awesome!!!!! my me-made wedding dress made the cover of a local wedding magazine and arrived just in time for our one year anniversary.... What a fabulous keepsake!

    1. Aww how wonderful! That's really great -- a perfect "paper" anniversary present!

  5. Oh how awesome Alice!! Now you are my famous friend! I am going to go out and buy this issue... So impressed!!

    1. Hahahaha thanks Rachel! I got mine from WHSmith, by the way :)


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