Saturday 1 September 2012

1st blog-iversary and 1st giveaway!

This little blog of mine is 1-year-old today! I can't believe it!

Despite accidentally deleting my first ever post last week (oops! I noticed that the font was too small, but when I tried to make the text bigger, the update brought it out as a new post... obviously then I went into a state of panic, and accidentally deleted it! But hey, it didn't say all that much), I remembered that today is indeed Moonbeam's first birthday! 

Too bad I haven't baked a cake for it (yet), but I thought perhaps I could try to do my first ever giveaway (if the response is good, I'll do more giveaways in the future)! 

Looking back over the last 12 months, I'm really pleased with how many clicks Moonbeam has received (about 20,000) and my lovely followers :D I am also surprised to find how many sewing projects that I fitted into (no pun intended) my busy schedule, not to mention to oh-so-time-consuming wedding dress! 

I thought I'd pick some favourites -  

  •  Favourite dressy pattern: Simplicity 4070 

  • Favourite casual pattern: Simplicity 2444 but since I've just finished my first version of Mccall's 2401, and am working on my second, I'm also struggling to get that one out of my head!

Now the giveaway - as my Serena dress has had the most clicks, I thought I could do a related giveaway to celebrate the blog-iversary. 

I have over 2 metres (144cm width) of the rich green "dupion" (this was sold as a silk dupion, though I was rather sceptical about its true nature. That said, I thought it was a treat to work with and gave really good result) which I used for the Serena dress to giveaway! I did try to take a photo of the fabric but I don't think the lovely colour is showing through too well:
I think the picture below is a slightly better representation of the colour:

And just to remind you, the finished dress looked like: 

Comment before 30 September 2012 to win! Although it is not necessary for winning the giveaway, I would, as always be interested to hear what you think of the blog - be it your favourite post, favourite tutorial, what I could do to improve it... anything will be welcome. 

Best of luck! and please don't be shy. Also please don't worry if you don't live in the same country as me - I will post it to anywhere in the world. I can't wait to see what you make with it! 


  1. My apologies guys- it appears that we are having a bit of technical problems with the comments and am investigating it!

    1. Yay! I think the glitch has been fixed. Happy commenting and good luck!

  2. Happy first blogiversary! Picking my favourite project is tough - it's between the wedding dress and the bridesmaid dress! :) My favourite tutorial is definitely the elastic waistband skirt, as I made up a copy cat version straight after seeing your tutorial! x x x

  3. Please count me in for a chance to win such stunning fabric. I came across your blog when searching Google for self made wedding dresses. I needed some inspiration for bridesmaid dresses I was helping a friend to sew. Your blog was so helpful and interesting that I added it to my reader account.

    1. Welcome to my blog! If you have any questions on the bridesmaid dresses, just let me know :)

  4. Happy blogiversary! I'm a recent follower but am looking forward to seeing all your creations!

  5. I stumbled across your blog via, and you have such great projects. Your wedding dress is a stunner! Thank you for hosting such a great giveaway. I'd love a chance to win. I look forward to seeing more of your beautiful creations.

  6. I found you via you finding me :-) I actually live these sorts of posts, reflecting on patterns, achievements, things you have enjoyed, I think they are great posts! Which makes me think maybe I should do one!

    1. I enjoyed reflecting on the past 12 months - maybe you should do one to celebrate your blogiversary too :D

  7. I've really enjoyed watching you're progress on
    your wedding dress, admired your bravery for taking on such an important dress and applauded your beautiful results! You look fabulous in everything you make and give clear instructions. Thanks for the inspirations!

  8. I added your blog to my google reader after finding a link to one of your wedding dress posts on I've made several wedding dresses and always love seeing others. You did a fantastic job!

  9. Hi :)
    I found your blog through Burdastyle, I saw your McCall’s 2401 dotty dress and liked it very much! I'm going to add your blog to my favorites and happy blog-iversary!!!
    And thanks for the giveaway,

    1. Thank you Shira! and welcome to my blog ;-)

  10. Lovely blog! My favorite is the Fresh as a Daisy dress - it is adorable! I also loved your Kindle tutorial. Would love to win, thanks for the chance and Happy 1 year blog anniversary!

  11. Wow! I am impressed with your sewing projects. I too have a 'normal life' and try to fit in as much sewing. I especially liked looking at all the links to techniques you used in sewing your wedding dress. Keep posting the tips! Also if there are any good sewing technique books you found along your way, I'm sure all of us would like to hear of them.

    1. Thank you ;-) and I'm really glad you liked my "referrals". I was actually thinking about doing some book reviews - I have somehow managed to buy quite a number of them and would recommend most of them! I shall add this request to my list - watch this space!

  12. Hello! I came across your blog when I was researching how and when to use boning - which you did in your wedding dress corselet, if I remember correctly. I so enjoyed following the posts about the making of your wedding dress! Great photographs and explanations of your thoughts as your progressed through the process.

    Please put me down for the giveaway as one of my daughters is very fond of that green.

    Inglesidebelle (I have a blog, but it's hibernating right now)

    1. I'm glad you found the wedding dress making process useful :) and if you do have any questions on any of it I'll be sure to do my best to help!

  13. Hello! I'm a bit new to your blog. That green fabric on giveaway is very pretty and I just have to tell you I'm in LOVE with your recent Simplicity 2246, the Lisette Traveler dress. Congrats on 1 year of blogging!

    1. Thank you Sue and welcome to Moonbeam! I'm actually wearing my Lisette traveller dress today at work; in fact, this is my first piece of homemade clothing worn at work ;-)

  14. I came across your site through PatternReview, and in awe with your Lisette dress. I love the simple line of the pattern, and you make it simple and beautiful.
    I am not a tech and design savvy but your site is clean and easy-to-navigate. I prefer this style than the one too-many-embellishments here and there. Perhaps you can improve the photo by using more natural light.
    Anyhow, congrats with your first blogversary :) I will come here often to see what's new. Your dresses are awesome!

    1. Thank you for your lovely comments and your suggestion. More natural light is definitely a great idea, and let's hope that the weather behaves itself so we can have lots more photos done outside too :)

  15. Congrats on your year of blogging. I just discovered your blog. I browsed several pages and you seem like a fearless and resourceful sewer. Your Serena dress turned out nicely! I would love to win the green fabric in your giveaway.

    1. Thank you Maria and welcome to my blog ;-)

  16. Yay for your blogoversary anniversary!!!! Love your blog and I think you're just the cutest!!! You really know how to pick clothes that are fun, feminine and flirty. Love having you around! Oh and please include me in the giveaway too!

  17. Happy Blogaversary! I came here for your Traveler review (too cute!) and I'm happy to find this giveaway.

  18. Happy blogoversary! Your wedding dress is really an inspiration.. Although we don't have a date set yet, we're planning a wedding in about 2 years. Ours will probably be a more casual event, but I'm really hoping to have advanced enough in my skills to make my own dress at that point. We'll see!

    1. Thank you! That's wonderful about your wedding - to be honest, when I started making my wedding dress, I was not that experienced at sewing at all! But once I've set myself the challenge of it all, it prompted me to learn lots and improve. Best of luck whatever you choose to do!


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